Solo shows

Diego Rodarte paints, paints, paints. All of him reduced to a hand making a brush that distances and approaches the canvas over and over again. The visual narrative in his painting is key; his canvases crystallize his persistent restlessness to explore the world and explain it through the gaze. In equal measure, also through touch. Variations of eyes, and skin, often hands, that allow a glimpse of a subject, run through the different stages of his production.

Idyllic landscapes that break with the violence of the yellows and reds of explosions and offer us a window to a terrifying world. In some paintings of the collection we find numbers and hours, what do they measure? The expressionist plastic art of Rodarte Planter, a passionate self-taught reader, shows an explicitly intellectual stamp evident not only in his titles but also in these numbers, in other cases different signs, which are enigmatic for the viewer. Whatever their meaning, they underline the discordance between subject and world, already evident in the cut of his canvases.

Ciudad de México, México
Gallery | Museum
Galería Goya
Exhibition curator
Exhibition date
15 - 30 mayo 2015