Solo shows
Searching for #Mexico

The Embassy of Mexico in Poland and the Juan Soriano / Marek Keller Foundation A.C. cordially invite you to the opening of the exhibition "Searching for #México by the renowned Mexican painter Diego Rodarte, on September 2, 2021 at 17:30 in the Gallery of the Juan Soriano Sculpture Garden in Warsaw, Poland.

"Diego Rodarte made an exhaustive search on Instagram for photographs of each of the states of the Mexican Republic. The artist took the most popular of each entity to resignify the landscape, question the authorship and veracity of these images. The exhibition was planned since the end of 2019. The artist had no intention of reflecting on the conjuncture of the pandemic, nor to abound in the concepts that are now fashionable. There was no interest in reflecting the confinement or the emergency, but to establish a symbolic reflection on the idea of appropriation, the false idea of ownership and the lack of authenticity of the photographs circulating on the internet.

Among postcards of mountains, beaches, islands, architecture, archeology, public squares and monuments, the artist also sought to re-signify the contemporary landscape.

"It is no longer necessary to go out to a mountain or paint outdoors to outline a landscape, I can paint it from my house in the middle of a pandemic, looking at a screen, I believe that art should not ensure anything, rather it has to question and question certain issues, sensitize the individual; affirming things concerns science," expresses the creative."

Varsovia, Polonia
Gallery | Museum
Galería del Jardín Escultórico Juan Soriano
Exhibition curator
Exhibition date
02 septiembre 2021